Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Week of School!!

This week was Charlotte's first week of preschool! She is attending Lluvia Preschool here on the UBC campus, just 3 blocks from our home. Her 2 best friends, Cora and Clay, are in the same class. The class has 20 3-and-4-year-old children, led by 2 brave teachers, Miss Krista and Miss Danielle (what I have Charlotte call them - they insist on being called by their first names only, but I can't bear to hear 3-year-olds call their teachers by their first names w/o a proper title!! Canada is WAY too relaxed about that!) Monday through Thursday from 9-11:30 the kids are creating, exploring, playing, singing, reading, and having fun! And this affords me some beautiful time to myself every morning while TJ naps. It's heavenly!!! Our 3 families have created a 'preschool co-op' where we all take turns dropping off and picking up, to ensure the greatest amount of 'free time' for each other as possible. Charlotte's first week would have gone off w/o a hitch, were it not for the unfortunate biting incident prompted by Charlotte digging her teeth into poor Cora's hand. At pickup time yesterday I was asked to 'stay after class so we can tell you about an incident that happened today.' Yes, my kid has already behaved so badly that I've already had to have a parent-teacher meeting. God is teaching me patience and humility with this one, that's for sure! Aside from this unfortunate incident, the week ended on a positive note, with Charlotte enjoying the playground and picking carrots from the class garden to eat at snacktime. Fabulous!!
Charlotte and TJ ready for the walk to school!Clay and Charlotte before entering the Lluvia doors
She's ready to go in!
Dana and I took the kids for a celebratory drink at Starbucks after school

Cora, Charlotte and another classmate outside their classroom
She has her own cubby - makes her feel so special!
Two of their favorite things are the kid-sized potties and kid-sized sink
We're looking forward to a wonderful year at Lluvia!

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